Merrimack Valley had a blast representing Region 1 on the International Stage this year in Kansas City, MO! We are proud to have placed third in the world for the Division A (small chorus) category. Our path to Kansas City began during our 2023 Region 1 competition in Springfield MA, when our score placed us in the top 5 out of more than 200 small chorus SAI contestants.
We started out our week in Missouri with coaching from Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl on Sunday and were energized for the rest of our week. We took some time for sightseeing, enjoyed a lot of BBQ, and spent a lot of time together as friends. We got the chance to sing at Union Station in front of a banner that read "I ♥ KC", and boy were the acoustics amazing!
Harmony Classic was on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 and we left our hearts out on the stage. We felt good about the story we told together and in fact, the part about another group doing our Harmony Classic package really happened last year at International!
We were so grateful to have the opportunity to take this journey. We had several new members join us in 2024 and many of them had their debut competition performance with Merrimack Valley at International. We are unbelievably fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful friends in Region 1 who came out to support us and see our performance live, as well as watch us on the webcast. We can’t wait to see what happens next year as we continue to grow as an ensemble and a community.