Did we ever!
Now that our Regional competition is over and our Open Division package has been judged, we can share our experience.
The chorus chose a “Zoom” theme to describe our feelings of frustration with two years of online Zoom rehearsals. We dressed in bathrobes for the opening song and held Zoom screen props. Then came the freedom to perform live — finally! We shed our robes to reveal sparkly costumes.
Many chorus members contributed their talents to this successful endeavor, from writing parodies and script, to staging. And of course, the chorus delivered the product.
The judges loved it! Comments like these were music to our ears: “Wow! Your joy is palpable — ours is too!”, “Good stuff here.”, “Lots of goodies to enjoy.”, “Hilarious parody cleverly presented.”, ”Instant accuracy with an energized vocal line.” and “Audience rapport? You bet!”
MVA IS BACK! Our joy is palpable!
Congratulations to our new co–directors, Carol Smolenski and Sally Jeffery, on their contest debut! You did us proud and led us through a successful first-time open division package. And it was fun! Congratulations, too, to the creative team of chorus members that made it happen, as well as the whole MVA chorus.
Onward and upward!