Springtime brings Sweet Adelines' regional competition season to MVA each year. COVID19 shut down our opportunity to compete in 2020 and 2021. But we're back in 2022 preparing for another fun contest season. This year we'll submit our Open Division package via video.
MVA loved sharing part of Valentine’s Day weekend with our “parody extraordinaire” coach Karen Sweeters. With Karen’s guidance, our directors, Sally, Becky, and Carol (on Zoom), were able to further polish our Open Division contest package. Song lyrics and interpretation, costuming and prop usage, script delivery and visual plan are now in much better shape. Our missing members will be able to catch up in no time!
Karen holds a special place in MVA's heart. As Master Director of Harmony on the Sound (HOTS), she previously directed fourteen MVA members nicknamed NOTS (North of the Sound) who joined HOTS on the 2019 International contest stage in New Orleans.
To paraphrase one of our parodies, Open Division is certainly the place for us to be. And we couldn’t make it more clear!