Merrimack Valley A Cappella Chorus is excited to present our new co-directors, Carol Smolenski and Sally Jeffery. These ladies have been members of MVA and SAI for many years. As certified directors, Carol and Sally possess an abundance of musical education and experience through their previous positions as Associate Directors.
During the pandemic Carol and Sally worked tirelessly with the members of the director's team to keep MVA moving forward. They are exceptional at inspiring our members, crafting our barbershop skills, and enhancing our love of music with creative and entertaining activities.
In their own words, “We are thrilled beyond words to be co-directing MVA! We’re ready to start this new journey and launch MVA into 2022! There’s so much more to come.”
MVA is enthusiastic about our promising future with these energetic and talented musicians leading us.
Look out, Region One, here comes MVA!