MVA was blown away this past weekend by the talents of our retreat coach, Kim Wonders. Kim is the master director of the award-winning Metro Nashville Chorus. With her fortes in vocal skills, sound, expression, characterization, and putting the visual with the vocal, she took us to a higher level.
We spent Friday night rehearsing and honing our musical and performing skills. Saturday, we worked tirelessly on our Open Division package, fine-tuning our props handling and wardrobe change. After rehearsal, we rewarded ourselves with a relaxing dinner out together — something we haven’t done for the last two years!
MVA will be competing virtually in our regional contest Open Division in May via a prerecorded video. We're almost ready, thanks to our weekend with Kim. Hopefully with COVID-19 behind us, this will be the last competition we perform this way! Next spring, we hope to be back live and on stage in Springfield.